
You Break It -- You Buy It

I lent my camera to Hester last year after hers was broken. It was my favorite camera, but we had another so I was okay. Anyway, she brought it back after buying herself a new one and I was stoked. The next week Nate took it hiking. He put it in his backpack. Also in his pack were some water bottles. They were in a different pocket. They spilled. The backpack's seams are not waterproof. Neither was my favorite camera.

So.............Nate bought me a new (and much improved) camera. It is the Olympus Stylus 1010. I love it. It has 10mp and 7X optical zoom (most only have 3or4). It is very user friendly and has a ton more options. It is about the size of my cell phone and fits nicely into my pocket. Mostly though now I carry a camera with me everywhere. There hae been way too many occassions when I have wished I had a camera and didn't. Now I always have one. And it's BLUE! (I also got a blue case.) So, thanks Nate! I love you! If you are in the market for a new camera I highly recommend this one.


  1. Very nice! I like that theory. I used it when Jake broke my camera at Hester's wedding. Although, we ended up getting that one fixed as well. Sometimes I think I just may have too many cameras. Is that possible?

  2. Hannah broke my camera a few years ago - Harry bought me a new one and fixed the broken one and he uses it.

    Hannah wanted to broken one - fixed of course - for herself. No dice.

    But Robbie gave her a camera for her birthday/graduation gift last year, so don't feel sorry for her!!


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