
Insider information

If you weren't aware, April was Autism Awareness month. I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome, which is an Austistic Spectrum Disorder. Today I was going through Toby's backpack and found this little tidbit. I was amazed. Toby is always surprising me with his unexpected insight into behavior. People with Asperger's tend to have difficulty with social skills, and understanding behavior in general. So, I thought it especially poignant.


  1. poignant indeed - maybe it's because they are too smart to become politicians.

  2. Interesting...I didn't know that about your son. Very true statement...I agree with "B.Brae" that it is because he is too smart to become a politician :) hee hee

  3. since i haven't seen your family since aspen was a baby, i had no idea that any of them had aspergers. as i was reading it, i wondered it it was possibly isaac that toby was commenting on. i have an autistic nephew, and many friends with asperger's syndrome. bright kids, all.

  4. Toby is the child with asperger's. Isaac has ADHD. Both are very bright. As are aspen and hazel.

  5. You should sent that into post secret.


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