
New York, New York

Nate keeps bugging me to get the rest of our NYC trip documented. So here it is, part 2 in no order whatsoever...(there will probably be a part 3 sometime in the near future.)
I wish we had a better picture of Isaac's mohawk. It was pretty impressive I must say.

The whole week we were in New York, people would try to surreptitiously take pictures of Isaac and his blue mohawk. One guy followed Isaac around for 5 minutes trying to get a good picture (it was kind of a low-lit exhibit and Isaac never sits still). A lot of people offered comments, especially little old ladies. (They liked it and were impressed that we allowed it.) One guy said Isaac was the youngest punk he'd ever seen. This guy asked to have his picture taken as a fellow mohawk wearer.

Isaac's hair didn't even move in the wind aboard the ferry to The Statue of Liberty.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

This art piece was really cool at the Met. It was a concave stainless steel mirror. It was created out of little hexagonal pieces that each reflected part of you, like those faceted kaleidoscope toys. We were entertained for 20 minutes!
The boys' favorite exhibit was the arms and armour room.

We got a bird's eye view of the city from the top of the Empire State Building.

The MoMA. One of my favorite museums. Aspen says she wants one of these benches as the bed in her room. It was comfortable, but I don't know if it was that comfortable.


  1. i think it is so cool that you took the whole family to new york. i loved new york when i went and hopefully i will get a chance to take my kids there. thanks for posting pictures - i didn't get to see everything i wanted to see when i was there.

    tell your son that mohawk is rather fierce :D

  2. people with mohawks scared me as a kid. i've always steered clear from extreme hairstyles and other forms of body expression (piercings, tats etc), probably because of experiences with people who looked like that when i was growing up. it isn't necessarily logical, because i had plenty of scarring experiences with people who looked completely non-threatening too. it was just hard to remember that under the hair and so forth was just a regular person.

    thanks for the insights about the gator thing. i really appreciate your perspective!


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