
You've been punk'd

Someone in our family is quiety playing little pranks on us. Last month I found a quarter superglued to the bathroom floor. I was cleaning the bathroom and tried to pick it up. Tried is the word here. No one would claim responsibility though.
Then, over the past couple weeks, Nate has been finding his socks severely mismatched. Nate first accused me of not paying attention when I fold his socks. Now, I admit that I have been rather sleep deprived and might have mismatched his socks once. But I have since found 4 other pairs of mismatched socks while I am putting the laundry away, and I know that I didn't do it. And since the mismatch is one of Nate's gym socks paired with one of Toby's gym socks (a big size difference, BTW) I think that Toby must be our prankster. Toby has also mismatched Nate's dress socks: 2 different prints and another time pairing Nate's dress sock with Toby's dress sock. Nate suffers through his workouts with the little sock, but had to go to walmart to buy new socks after he tried to dress at the gym for work. Little kid dress socks just don't stretch that much.
Now I think this is really funny. ALthough, I suppose I can understand why Nate isn't too pleased (not funny when he is trying to get to an important meeting with Dell head honchos). But it is still funny. And I am especially impressed because Toby is trying to figure out a social skill. Kids with Asperger's have a hard time knowing how and when to do pranks and don't have a very good sense of humor. Mostly it is figuring out appropriateness and when to stop. But I think that Toby is catching on here. It is a subtle prank and I love it! I'm sure Nate will think it's funny at some later date.


  1. ha,.. hahaha. too bad he's picking on Nathan. haha. Otherwise it would be great fun! but I can understand frustration at having your socks mismatched when you go for work. I am half asleep in the mornings and can't see anything when I get ready for work. If my socks were mismatched (even with toby's size),.. I wouldn't notice the difference until I was sitting in a meeting with my boss staring at my shoes in horror. ha! but it's a good one if only it didn't interfere with work. :)

  2. Way to go Toby! I love it!

  3. On the other hand if the prankster is following in Kurt's footsteps ( Putting the bunk bed bolts in Karl's drawer.) It could just as easily be one of the other kids trying to place the blame on Toby for the tricks. I know I wouldn't use my own socks for a prank like that.


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