
Setting off the alarms

I was a the blue target the other day and as I was walking into the store the inventory control alarms went off. I just ignored it because I was going in, not out. Anyway, I forgot all about it while I was shopping. Then when I walked out of the store, the alarms went off again. I finally figured out the problem, the pants I was wearing (which I bought at a different store about 8 months ago and have worn many times) still had an inventory control magnetic tag sewn into the side seam. I always forget to cut those out. But I can't believe that I've never set off the alarms before this. Oh well.

I still haven't gotten around to cutting out the tag.


  1. I always forget to cut those out too but I've never had an alarm go off! funny

  2. I've done that. setting off the alarms at petsmart,.. they said do you by chance have old navy clothes on or something? there was a store next door. It so happened that I did and that it was my tag.

  3. I always forget also. Although, I have never beeped.


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