
Misery loves company

The new season of Biggest Loser started again last night. Anyone watch? That show makes me want to work harder. I DVR it and watch it after the kids are in bed and I'm done with my work. I guess that I should watch it in the morning, however, so that I can use that motivation to actually work out harder. Instead I just go to bed. By morning, my resolve to workout has weakened enough to tell myself I'll do it later. But you know how that goes.

Nate made me sign up for a fitness bootcamp last month. I actually really enjoyed it. It's easier for me to work out if I have someone expecting me to be somewhere and to push me a bit. It's been a couple weeks since that session ended because of the holidays. It started up again yesterday. Laura, the trainer, is tough. I guess that's the point and I'm glad that she does her job well. I really need to get my butt in gear and get moving. I know that I will feel better, and look better, and be healthier. But -- my whole body is complaining. It's only been one day. And tomorrow will be even worse. And then I will go again. Please come and join me. You know --misery loves company.


  1. Yes, I totally watch Biggest Loser. BUT - I always find myself eating snack when I watch it! I think it's because I look at them and think - "WOW, I'm practically skin and bones next to those people - I can afford to eat more!" LOL. Not helping, I know.

    I am joining you next Tuesday. I can't go Thursdays though, the girls start piano lessons, and they're at 6pm. Are there other times? Help!

  2. I love the Biggest Loser also! I haven't watched Tuesday's episode yet. These are the times I wish I lived close to you because then we could work out together!

  3. I dont' watch biggest loser, but I'm doing this exercise challenge for work to get a rebate on my health insurance premiums at the end of the year and I spent a couple hours shovelling my drive way the other day we've had an extreme onslaught of snow this week and boy am I sore.

  4. I started with Nutrisystem after watching the biggest loser too many times. It's been 6-7 weeks now, and right after Christmas, Vickie and I signed up at 24 Hour Fitness. I too now have a personal trainer. In fact, I get to see him at noon today, apparently he isn't a morning person. I'm using the BodyBugg that they showed and use on Biggest Loser, so far I've lost a bunch of weight, and I feel better, more energetic (at least when I'm not wiped out.....)

  5. Oops, I realized I posted on Jake's computer last night. That was me....

  6. Yes, Bill totally watches this show and fills me in on it. I like seeing the very end of the show and what people accomplish.


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