

I know I haven't posted much in the last couple months. First I was getting ready to have surgery; now I'm trying to recover. I'm so grateful to Amy for being here to help out. Nate has a been a huge help too.

I'm feeling better everyday. The swelling is going down. The bruising is fading, I'm gaining more feeling in my face, the pain is lessening, a bit. (Thank goodness for pain killers.) My eye is still lazy and my smile is still crooked. But I hope they will wake up soon. Without my eye, it's hard to read, watch tv, drive, sew, everything basically.

Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes, cards, flowers (Karl you are awesome!), smoothies, and friends who let my kids come and play at their house, and substitute for my primary class.

Anyway, thought I would leave you with a new self portrait:The big metal thing is the new piece of hardware I had installed. You can see all the screws (57) and plates and wires that my head carries around. I know, it's beautiful.

Jake thinks I should blow it up and have it framed and hung on my living room wall.

Maybe for Halloween.


  1. It does have a certain "je ne said quois!!"

    Glad you are "mending" - keep taking good care of yourself!

  2. stakkars lille! (just a little norwegian in there to make you think of dad)

    Well it certainly looks like it really hurts!

  3. wow. you're like the bionic woman and the six million dollar man all rolled into one super-human specimen (speciwoman?) of humanity!

    so sorry you've had to endure so many trials. just proves that bad things DO happen to great people.

    love your optimism though. you're terrific! ♥

  4. I still love the xray. There is so much that you can observe. For instance if you look very closely you can actually make out your face as it sits in fron of the skull ... totally cool. Kind of an inside meets outside thing.

  5. you are obviously dealing with this difficult ordeal well by surviving with humor by your side :) you go girl!

  6. p.s. we will have hazel over to play when i get back in town...thanks for the message you left me when you called me back :) toodles


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