
Getting back to normal

I know i've been hibernating, sorry. Just about recovered though, thanks to the fabulous Amy for all her help and all. And of course my husband's love and support. And my family's. And my dentist's. I don't know how many of you love your dentist, but I love mine. I've been seeing him at least twice a month for about 8 years: more than I see anybody! Anyway, the swelling is nearly gone, I'm back to eating semi normal soft food. Still have to wait another week to get in the pool, lake, or ocean. But only the kids complain about that. I've even officially off the big pain killer. Still taking lots of good old Tylenol though. Anyway, enough rambling.

How about the abbreivated list of what we've been up to for the last month? I know you've been dieing to know.

Isaac attended his first ever Cub Scout Day Camp. He loved the archery range best. Hazel and I went for family day. Hazel tried the srchery range too. Also loved the snow cones and big inflatable obstacle course/slide they had there.Aspen received an award for the year at her school. Here she is with her other talented friends.
Toby turned 14. He was ordained a teacher and is now Nate's home teaching partner. Jake was here to be a part of his ordaining. Glad to have some family to share this occassion with. He is growing up way to fast. 14? how did that much time go by already? We celebrated his birthday early because he was gone for 2 weeks to a couple of scout camps.

Isaac had his birthday too. He's now 10! He got breakfast in bed, Eddie V's crab cakes (the best on earth) for dinner, and an angel food cake (made from scratch) with fruit and lots of whip cream. The whip cream was on his birthday list - seriously! It was a fun day.

I picked the beets out of my garden. They were delicious. I froze the rest of them. Nice hands huh?
I picked the beans (yellow and green), the carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin (only one), and a lot of tomatoes (if I can beat the birds to them) and bell and jalepeno peppers. I didn't get around to cutting the cilantro in time, so I let it flower and go to seed. We'll have corriander seed instead.
This garden has definitely been an experiment. Next year I'll do a few things differently. Maybe next year it won't be over 100 degrees so much. The heat has defintely contributed to the early demise of my garden.

In other news, Toby got his braces off. He has a great smile.We have swallows nesting on our front porch. The babies have left the nest, but they return each evening to roost - right above our front door. Not ideal.Hazel is in to tea parties.
Aspen is currently away at girls' camp. She started packing a month ago. She was sooooo excited to go. It is so lonely without her.

Enough for now. c u l8tr

1 comment:

  1. Your list reminds me of things I used to do with my kids - Cub Day Camp, Girls' Camp, ortho appointments - some days it does seem very quiet around here.

    But I adjust pretty quickly!!

    Glad you are on the mend - must be your age - I'm still limping along on my poor knees!!


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