
I love to see the temple.... Idaho Falls edition

While we were in Idaho Falls, the primary in Jacob's ward took the primary children on a field trip to the Idaho Falls visitor's center. August's theme was about temples and I think most primaries asked families to take their children to a temple near them.

So we took everyone and had a tour of the grounds, watched a neat little movie in the visitor's center and took pictures.
In the visitor's center is a replica of the Christus statue. It is one the kids can actually touch. I really liked this picture of Hazel holding Christ's hand.

One of these days I'll print the pictures of the kids in front of the temple to hang on their bedroom wall.


  1. Temple pictures are always good. We went to the LA Temple open house and dedication - and of course, there is nary a photo to prove it. A photo would be a nice memento. Thankfully my memories of the occasions remain mostly intact.

  2. It seems like that was forever ago and in reality it was less than a month. We are glad you came back with us and visited!

  3. I still need to take Emma to the temple... thanks for reminding me about that.

    I love the picture of Hazel holding His hand too.


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