
You spin me right round, baby, right round

I was so excited to see that this park still had it's old fashioned playground equipment. Merry go rounds are one of the best toys ever! The kids had a lot of fun. I did too...until I tried to ride it while taking pictures. Got a little bit queasy. It was still just as fun as I remembered though.


  1. I LOVE merry-go rounds...we passed a park in Provo that I remember playing on the merry-go-round when I was a kid. It's not there anymore, so I'm glad you still found one!

    You're such a great photographer too! Even when riding round and round!

  2. I remember loving these - and you are right - there are not many of them left. Are they just falling into decay? Or has it become politically incorrect to make kids dizzy??

    There is a version of this at the new park in the canyon near Bonny's house though.

  3. I know what you mean... it is rare to see these at parks these days. I did find one out in Cat Hallow area (just by accident) while we were driving to someone's house. Emma and I had to stop and play on it because she had never seen one before.

    Okay, now I have that 80's song (from your post title) stuck in my head.


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