
Isaac's soccer move of the game

The Wild Blue Yonder

Today was a beautiful day. It was breezy and warm, without being hot. So we made sandwiches and headed for the park to fly our new kites. We had so much fun. Hazel even flew one all by herself. But after a couple of minutes it was more fun to let go of the kite to watch me chase after it than to just stand there holding the string.


Yesterday's project--Betsy's Sandbox

Trips to Home Depot: 2
All-day rental of cement mixer: $42
Total weight of cement I physically picked up yesterday: 10,000 lbs
Happy wife: priceless

Here is Isaac, helping pour the concrete.

How it looks this evening.

Want to buy some golf balls?

2 for a dollar, or 5 for $2. $52.25 total. They would have had $53.50, but they bought some Doritos from the cart girl, and lost a quarter.

Even Hazel says "wagna golf balls?"

Construction Worker Rite of Passage