
The Moon's Friend

We walked out of the house today, Venus was very close to the moon.  Hazel commented, "the moon has a friend."
When we got in the car, the conversation continued.

Hazel: The moon has a friend.  It's a star.
Aspen: Is isn't a star, it's Venus.  It's a planet.
Hazel: There are eight planets.
Aspen: No, there are nine.
Hazel: No, there are eight.
Azpen: No, there are nine.  Pluto is a planet.
Hazel: No, the people said it isn't.

Is this just my kids?  A three-year-old arguing the planetary status of Pluto . . .

Fore. . .

. . . hundred and thirty five golf balls.  Yes they do occasionally land in our yard.  The kids had fun stacking them up today.
Of course, when it was time for bed, Nate's first theorem of toys had once again proven itself true--like gas in a vacuume, toys always tend to distribute themselves in a one-inch layer on the entire floor.


I[heart]faces - B&W adults

This is my entry for this week's adult's category at i[heart]faces. I had a hard time deciding on a picture. But in the end I chose this one because it is softer than the one of Toby. And I wanted it to have a different look. And Hester is beautiful!
There are lots of other beautiful entries at i[heart]faces, go check them out.


I [heart] faces Black and White Week

I like black and pictures. I think that they can show so much emotion. When everything is black or white, there are fewer distractions and more focus.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Toby. He looks good in most pictures, when he's not make 13 year-old-camera-faces. This week's theme at i[heart]faces is black and white. Check 'em out.