
Happy Halloween! Part 1

 Ten points if you can guess what Nate is.
Hint: A character on the TV show Big Bang Theory wore this to his neighbor's Halloween party.
Toby went as the Grim Reaper, Isaac as a Charlie Brown ghost (complete with a rock), Hazel is Super Girl.  Everyone called her superwoman - she corrected them every time.

Handing out candy at the ward trunk-or-treat.


Best husband ever...part 4

Nate came home from work yesterday bearing a gift!  I like gifts! Especially those that are unexpected and thoughtful.  This is a true show of love from Nate.

This book is the twelfth in a series that I love.  However they are pretty long.  And when I read them, the rest of my duties seem to just get ignored (it's hard to put down a good book).  I didn't even know that this book was out yet.  But Nate went and got it for me on its release date, even though he knows that once I start reading it, I'll likely be otherwise occupied for a couple days. I have the best husband ever!

Click here for info about the book.