
Good thing

One of the nicest things about having a baby is that standing on the scale makes you feel great. I lost more than 15 pounds in a week!!! And everyday for more than a week I am getting thinner! Of course it's all baby and swelling etc. But it still makes me feel good.


  1. That is great. I wish that I could say the same. We are so glad that all is going well. Have a great day.

  2. mom if you lost 15 pounds in a week that would be a problem. Its indicative of disease and cancer. and that is never good. congrats betz!! that's what they tell us to tell new moms at the hospital. we get them on the scale as soon as possible because it will always make them feel better when thry find out they have lost 20 lbs over night.

  3. Thought I would see if I can post on your blog. I lost 2.4 lbs this week - can you tell I'm doing Weight Watchers?

  4. after i had ara i got on the scale in the hospital and screamed - i had actually gained weight. lovely water retention from my wonderful pitocin. that was a treat

  5. oh and i like the blog - love the pix -

  6. Disclaimer: This is Mike using Min's account.

    I lost that much weight last Summer, but that was because I had a massive head cold for three weeks straight!

    ... but whatever works!


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