
Just some stuff

I hope everyone had a fun Fourth of July. I think it is Nate's favorite holiday. He and Felix had so much fun doing their fireworks. THe grand finally was pretty good. But it is an expensive hobby. Might as well put a ton of $1.oo bills in the middle of the street and light them on fire. Of course they don't have the same effect as actually blowing stuff up. But the end result is the same: you just burned up a lot of money! Oh well, once a year is tolerable. There are worse hobbies to lose money on. (I have a large closet full of scrapbook supplies. I haven't had time to scrapbook in 6 years! Why do I keep buying it?) ANyway, I spent the night handing out sparklers, ground flowers and helicopters to little kids and hoping no on got burned or set fireworks off underneath the gas tanks of the parked cars. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

Update on Hazel: Things are going better and I am getting more sleep. Not to say that I feel completely rested every morning. But Some sleep is much better than only an hour. We tried sleeping Hazel in her carseat, the vibrating bouncy chair, we bought a swing and tried that, the floor, my bed, the guest bed, outside, driving in the car, in the snugli, and in my arms. None seemed to work more than once. But then we figured out that she has reflux, so we got a prescription for that, and gas, so I bought some gas relief drops. She also seemed to be constantly hungry so I am supplementing with a different formula. After that I've found that she is happier and can sleep in the guest bed and the bouncy chair and we are both happy and get more sleep. The more I thought about it, I remembered that Toby was kind of the same way when he was born. He would just cry every night for about 2 hours. Then it went away at about 3 months. Hopefully she will get better by then. But for now I am feeling better about stuff. She still isn't as easy as Aspen was. But Hazel is a doll and I can't imagine life without her. I know that she was supposed to be a part of our family.

Now that life with a newborn is getting a little better, I can start to think about getting a few things accomplished. I am going to start running again. I am beginning today. And I am going to try and actually make a real dinner every night again. I think that is plenty for starters. If I am feeling ambitious, I may finish Hazel's nursery. But we'll see how things go.


  1. i really like your new profile picture, the one of you and hazel. I took a double look when i first saw it on your blog. its great

  2. You are a great mom and Hazel is blessed to come to your home. Just hang in there and it will get easier. Having a good dinner every night is an accomplishment. I know, because now it is hard for me. We have hired a cook for three nights a week but I just don't like other people's food. I guess I am used to my own. Have a great day.

  3. Maybe we could take all of your scrapbook supplies, and light them on fire in the middle of the road. All of the different inks in the paper might make a bunch of pretty colors as they burned.


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