
Celebrate Good Times, Come On!!

Last night was a landmark occasion in the Brunner household. (Drum roll please.....) Hazel slept all night long!! I put her to bed at 9:30pm and when Nate's alarm went off at 5:30am she was still asleep. I was so shocked that I had to get up to check on her. This is especially terrific because for the last week she has only slept 20 minutes at a time. Nights have been sleepless. I feel like a new woman. And suddenly I have a ton of energy. It's amazing what 7 uninterrupted hours of sleep can do for you!


  1. Congrats!!! Hope this lasts. It's so nice to be able to sleep.

  2. I'll give you another reason to celebrate.

    IKEA recently announced that they are opening a location in Round Rock, TX, in Spring 2007!!!!

    That could be dangerous.


  3. Yep, Ikea is coming to round rock along with an outlet mall. Will be only 15 minutes away!!!Love the bargains.

  4. It's good to have children sleep all night - enjoy it while you can - seems like they interrupt your sleep even more when they turn into teens and young adults!! Trust me, this is the easiest you will ever have it!! (someone told us that once - and we didn't believe them eitherJ!)

  5. Oh, my dear Betsy, I am so excited for you! Even if it is short lived one night of sleep can do wonders! I can empathize completely!

  6. That is great. Although I am with Barbara, this is still the easiest part of child rearing. HOwever, that said. There isn't anything nicer than getting a good nights sleep no matter what the age. Sleep is good. Hope it continues.

  7. Here's the question - was it a one time event, or did she sleep long again? I hope the latter, and wish it was me sleeping longer than 3 hour intervals!

  8. Kristi, I hope it lasts. SHe slept even longer last night - 10 1/2 hours. Try feeding her more often in the evening - so that she eats more right before going to bed. I start at about 6pm. Then again at 8pm and 9:30pm and then she goes to bed. I actually did the same thing about 6 weeks ago and she went from sleeping 3 hours to 5 or 6 hours at a time. THen with school starting and surgery it got all messed up. So we started up again and it is working like a charm. Also a good book to read is The No Cry Sleep Solution . It has some good suggestions. Also try feeding her with a bottle in the evening, with formula or breast milk whichever you want, it might be easier to monitor how much she is getting. I also use a white noise machine, actually it just plays nature sounds, i.e. ocean, rain, wind and that masks a lot of the other sounds in the house so that she sleeps. Good luck with it. I'm just crossing my fingers that Hazel's sleep will continue.

  9. so jealous! I'll try some of your suggestions! She was sleeping about 6 hours a night for awhile, but she has been so gassy lately, and wakes up more because of that than wanting to eat!

  10. yeah betsy!! i'm so excited for you!! as you very well know, i value my sleep more than anything

  11. Funny, Hester I know you aren't a morning person, but I never really noticed you sleeping much. Well, in less you talk on you phone in your sleep.

  12. Betsy, I am jealous about the ikea! Congrats on the sleep though!


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