
A-hiking we will go...

We were going to go camping tlast weekend. But all the camp sites were full (as it is now outdoors season here in Texas-read: no longer 100 degrees). So we just went hiking instead. We did about 5 or 5 1/2 miles. (And my body is feeling it after carrying Hazel 5 miles up and down hills.) But the kids did GREAT. I wanted to post more pictures but apparently I have filled up my memory storage again and need to do some swapping to be able to post more; which won't happen until after Halloween when we return from vacation.
Hazel was great too; she really enjoyed herself. And the kids got to throw rocks and sticks in the pond and drink lots of Gatorade - it doesn't get better than that according to Isaac.

Toby wanted me to post this pic. He wanted to know if anyone can identify this skeleton. We never did find the skull.


  1. It looks like a rabbit to me, but it's hard to know the scale based on the little bit of someone's shoe.

  2. Here's a real whole rabbit skeleton. The neck and leg seem to match your photo, but the ribs seem a bit off. It's too bad you couldn't find the skull.



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