
Happy Hazel

Hazel fells asleep eating. I love it when they do that!

Hazel likes to read.

We got Hazel a new slide/climber. She loves it. She still needs a little help climbing on. But she gets up there and then goes down the slide - very slowly.

This is my favorite picture. She is just so happy. This is another of her new toys. (Early birthday) She played in it for 4 hours this afternoon. The kids had fun pushing her around in the car. Hazel absolutely loved it!


  1. All of your kids are so cute. They look like they all get along too. I loved the one of Hazel in the car too.

  2. i'm glad hazel is having fun. Isn't it funny how they can play with the older sibs for ages sometimes and then at other times they'll last 2 minutes. That's when ara or ella comes in with, "i'm not the babysitter, mom!"

    love how she fell asleep too.

  3. I love this pic too! So fun that your older kids enjoy Hazel so much! I love this age! Everything is so new and exciting for them! She is too cute! I can't wait to see you guys this summer!

  4. I miss them so much. HOpefully they will not be too old when we finally come home for good. It is good for her to have older siblings. Axel is really missing having brothers and sisters home, although he really doesn't remember having brothers, just sisters.


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