
Happy Birthday to You, You Live in a Zoo

I had to get up early this morning so that I could be awake before Isaac. (He is a definite morning person.) Isaac asked for very practical presents this year: a new battery for his RC car and a new charger for his four wheeler. He also wanted a replacement yoyo. What a very practical little boy. Isaac had his friend sleep over the other night and that's when we had his cake: a turtle. We love Isaac a lot and he brings a lot of energy to our family.

Isaac found a new pool option. We had to wait for Hazel to wake up from a nap and Isaac just could not wait to cool off.


  1. I wish I had a cooler that big. :(

  2. Happy Birthday Isaac! We love you and can't wait to see you very soon.

    Felipe, Erika, Karolina and Amalia

  3. Happy Birthday Isaac! What a way to cool off. Very creative. -Amy

  4. wow i wish i could fit into a cooler like that, that would be a fantastic way to cool off, way to think buddy


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