
I am all Advil

I started a new workout program yesterday. Today I can hardly move. I want to cry.

There was a glute machine at the gym. It kicked my butt (literally).

I ran with Nate last night. You would think that after 13 miles in Moab, a little 3 miles wouldn't make me even breathe hard. But Nate runs faster than me and I tried to keep up. Now I can't move. No pain, no gain. I still want to cry.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That first comment was me, accidentally posting while logged in to my work blog. (In case you moderate your comments and were wondering who Loudoun Librarian is.)

    And...I forgot to save what I said, but anyway, point being, after I ran Moab, I took a 2-week break and then barely staggered my way to 2 miles my first time back running. After staggering through one more short run, I decided to take a short break. Then I got pregnant, sick, fat, gave birth, etc. and it all went to heck anyway. But I'm going to start again soon! Really!

    Moral of the story is...I guess it should be "don't give up," although it might seem that it would be "get pregnant." haha.

    Don't give up!

  3. Not giving up and DEFINITELY NOT getting pregnant. But though I was going to run again tonight, I think I will wait until tomorrow (although the second day is always worse than the first). Maybe it'll be better tomorrow...I hope.0

  4. I was going to start on Monday and it didn't happen. Sunday night I got the stomach flu.....AND NO I AM NOT PREGNANT (Jake's first question) it didn't happen. Unforetunately I am just getting better as it goes thru the family.

    Way to go for trying though. My goal is to start next Monday.

  5. well i didn't run in moad.... but ive been running for the last two weeks, four days a week. Im up to an 11 minute mile, which i think is a great triumph. So just think, if i can do it, you can for sure do it because you are much more in shape than i am! ps what are some good shoes to buy? the ones i have now are hurting my legs.

  6. i like nike's personally. i need a new pair as well.


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