
until tomorrow

It's been one of those days.
  • I only got a couple hours of sleep last night.

  • Because Hazel was up and afraid of the sounds you never hear during the day

  • Isaac was sick and couldn't sleep either

  • I needed gas and the gas station I went to was OUT OF GAS, (how can that happen?) So I had to find another gas station...shich was making us late for our doctor appointment...in Dallas.

  • I drove 3 hours to Dallas (speeding because I had to stop at two gas stations), which is kind of hard on 2 hours of sleep

  • We had to get xrays first. When we got there, the radiologist had no record of the doctor requesting x-rays. She said that maybe we didn't need them even though the doctor scheduled us an appointment to get them (apparently she thought that the follow up appointment for spinal fusion surgery didn't really warrant xrays...the doctor would just look at his back with his eyes) and she wouldn't take them anyway, even though we've been going to this doctor for 8 years and getting xrays every time. Besides what could have changed in an about-to-hit-puberty 11 year old boy?! She sent us to the clinic without xrays. (The staff in the clinic were at lunch, so we were 45 minutes early for the appointment.)

  • We waited almost an hour to get into an exam room...whereupon, the nurse gave me a slip to go back and get xrays. The doctor can't see us without xrays (duh!!)

  • We waited another 30 minutes to get the xrays.

  • We went back to the exam room and waited 20 minutes to see the doctor's interns. (Useless...that part isn't for our benefit...just for the intern's education).

  • We waited another 25 minutes to see the doctor... Who looked at Toby for 5 minutes and said, "He looks great! We'll see you again next year."

  • We then drove for another 3 hours, (stopping to get loads of junk to eat to keep me awake) to get back home.

  • (Usually I'll call someone while I'm driving to help me stay awake. But the battery in my cell phone can only keep a charge for one 15 minute phone call (which got used up when a friend called to ask me to babysit her little girl in the morning (she'll drop her off at 7am...I don't even wake up until 7:15am...and that's when I'm working on a full night's rest, not a deficit from 2 days ago.)

  • Anyway, I was driving Nate's car and his power outlet is broken, so I couldn't charge my phone to use to stay awake.

  • Isaac is still sick.

  • Hazel, while crying because she doesn't want to sit by Nate to eat her snack, sticks a frozen pea UP HER NOSE. (This isn't the first thing to go up her nose either.)

  • Hazel cries more...the frozen pea is very cold and giving her a brain freeze. (She knows how to blow her nose so it eventually comes out.) Where did she learn this?

But now it's almost over. I guess we'll start over again tomorrow.


  1. yikes. Rough day. sorry. :( I'm not sure how you can be a gas station that's out of gas,.. wierd. And the doctor's office must have been on something for giving you the run around.

  2. Ugghh! That sounds miserable. I hope you got to eat some good chocolate in the car or at least at the end of the day. That would make the day's events at least partially better.

  3. you should have turned in your resignation.

  4. Lo siento. I hope that tomorrow goes better. I am sure that it couldn't get much worse. have a good nights sleep and a better day.

  5. I think she learned the pea trick from Nate, only he stuck up up someone ELSE'S nose...... and it wasn't a pea.

  6. Ha ha. Isn't that how it goes?

    So sorry.

  7. i am so sorry - at least you didn't crash your car driving on no sleep.

    and doctors drive me crazy with their disregard of my time as well.

  8. here i come to save the day! don't worry, i'll be there on saturday to help you for the whole week (and go shopping)

  9. If you can blog about it, you're okay!!

  10. You do seam like super mom sometimes, just makes us little people feel more human!


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