

These are the cliff swallows nesting above one of the pillars on our porch. There are 5 little birdies. They won't be here much longer, I think. There were also finches on another pillar. But they flew the nest last week. They were the second set of birds hatched there this season. So far we've had three sets a birdies, with the occasional cow bird thrown in (cow birds lay their eggs in other birds' nests). It is quite loud out there during feeding time and the adult birds are always swooping around when we walk by. But it has been fun to watch the birds build nests, set eggs and grow little birdies!


  1. check out my blog than go to the "Romers" under blog Stalk...scroll down and there is a nice "blog" about this very topic...it's good

  2. I love your blog, I can't believe how big Hazel is! I love how you have painted your house! I can see in the back ground! It is so Betsy! I love it!! Juls

  3. Update--today the little birds started flying out of the nest. They fly back to the pillar to be fed, though.


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