
Summer Tour

We've been on vacation for the past week. We've driven 2400 miles...so far. We've seen lots of beautiful and amazing parts of America. We've spent lots of time together. I've learned to be very grateful for cruise control and portable electronics (iPOD's, DS's and 25 Tom and Jerry episodes go a long way). I'll post more when I get home next week. But here's a sneak peak for now.
Visiting the Kerksiek's and riding four wheelers
Powder River Pass (and snow)
Yellowstone (and more snow)
Yellowstone and Old Faithful

Badlands National Park
Mt. Rushmore


  1. can i just say again how much i love isaac's hair?

  2. hello. not exactly sure how i found your blog, i was just surfing blogs. i went to high school with nathan. we met once a long time ago when my oldest was just a baby.

    just want to say you have a beautiful family.

    take care~

  3. sounds like a great family memory you're creating! ♥


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