
I'm it.

I got tagged. So I'll play.
Seven weird things about me:

only photo I could find on nate's computer

  1. I love art/office supplies. I always have. I have a closet full of paper, markers, pencils, crayons, scissors, paper clips, etc. When I was in kindergarten we could bring our favorite christmas gift one day at school. I brought a pencil box full of supplies. Back-to-school is one of my favorite shopping seasons: lots of new paper pads, folders, pencil cases, etc.:)
  2. I eat my food in a certain order. Salad, then veggies, then starchy foods, then the meat, the bread last . That way, if I get full before I'm finished, at least I have eaten the parts that are healthiest. ALthough I have been known to pour gravy all over my vegetables, potates and meat and then I guess it's all not quite as healthy.
  3. I have to have time to myself every day or I can't sleep. I used to go to walmart at night to just walk around by myself and be where no one could ask me for anything.
  4. I can't sleep if I'm touching another person. So when I had tiny babies, or not so tiny toddlers in my bed, I don't ever sleep. Also the reason we have a king size bed. Nate has his part, I get the rest.
  5. I don't like to talk on the phone. I can't hear very well and I hate to keep asking the person I'm talking to to repeat themselves.
  6. My favorite/lucky number is 13.
  7. I have developed some phobias as I've gotten older. I'm claustrophobic. I have a fear of heights only when I'm driving a car on those reallllllly tall overpasses, I have anxiety attacks before I go to the dentist (which you'd think I'd get over since I go to the dentist 3 or 4 times a month - jaw problems), I have to check on Hazel and make sure she's breathing before I can sleep at night. (Interestingly, I don't feel compelled to check on the others, I know they're fine.) This has actually improved. When she was a tiny baby (for the first 9 months) I had to check on her multiple times (4 or 5) every night. Didn't help the insomnia problem.

I'm sure there are more weird things. But this tag was just for seven.


  1. One year we went to Utah/Idaho Office Supply and got the stuff to turn our books into libray books - pockets, cards, date stamps, etc. Bonny and Harry LOVED it!!

    Office supplies can be addictive!

  2. Good to know I am not the only person who likes school supplies.

  3. We got you those supplies for Christmas that year and we still have the pencil sharpener that we bought at that time. I love new crayons especially.

  4. I got tagged too so I will have to do my wierd things on the weekend.

  5. I didn't remember how long your hair was back then. I am trying to grow my hair but it is getting unruly.


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