
That your joy may be full

We are having a special stake fast tomorrow. Our stake president has asked us to hold a special family home evening this week (which we have done) to prepare for this special fast tomorrow. If you would like to join us in fasting for rain for our region (and for all those that need it), we would welcome your faith and prayers.

While much of the US has had rain for the past few months (more than they want in some areas), the central Texas area is experiencing one of the worst droughts in the last 150 years. We've had the driest 2-year period since 1856. There have been 67 days over 100 degrees since June 1st. Lake levels are more than 30 feet below normal.

1 comment:

  1. We will certainly include you in our fast.

    Mary Ellen Edmunds told a very sweet story in an Education Week class I attended once. While she was in some small 3rd world country, she mentioned to the members that they were fasting in her stake at home for rain. At the end of their meeting, the member praying offered some of their rain - and asked the Lord to send it to Utah! And I have no doubt that the Lord did just that!


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