
Letter of Appreciation

To pass off a Faith In God requirement, Isaac wrote this letter:

dear dad
I really like the fact that you are a cool dad. You let us mess with thermite and do all sorts of crazy things. I also like the fact that at the dinner table we talk about mathematics and scientific stuff. another thing that I like and respect is the fact that you don’t believe in hand washing thank goodness. I really respect your cooking skills. We eat all sorts of crazy food. My favorite chicken mahknie .and I respect that you care and do things for people.

**Note: Hand washing refers to dishes, not hands. I was confused for a moment too. We do believe in washing hands.


  1. that was hilarious!

  2. The hand-washing is priceless!!

    It is interesting what kids say - I have saved letters my kids wrote like this - maybe you should start a book!!


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