
Norway Day 21

Hester had to work at the Embassy's booth at the Independence Day Celebration at Frogner Park.
So we all joined her for the festivities after church. It was a beautiful day and the park was full of all sorts of people.
Lots of street performers: this violinist behind Hester,

this crusty, golden norwegian dude (kind of like the silver painted lady libertys in NYC),
this accordian player, (hazel did a run by to drop coins in his box)

And there were tons of sun worshippers.

The gardens in the park were in full bloom and gorgeous.

We enjoyed some watermelon.

We painted our faces.

There were lots of activities for Hazel. Not so many for the older kids, but everyone still had a good time.

In the park is a statue of Abraham Lincoln donated to Norway by the people of North Dakota. Kind of random.

There was a classic car show. Interestingly, the best in show was a semi truck. (I think because it is such a novelty here. There were definitely other cars that I though were better.)
At the end of the festival, the booth next to Hester's started giving out cans of pringles. Hester now has her year's supply of potatoe chips.
We did miss the fireworks though. It just isn't a real Indepence Day without them. Oh well, we'll have to make up for it next year.

1 comment:

  1. How spiffy! What a fun way to celebrate the 4th of July :) Love all the pics!


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