
Hot, Hot, Hot

I've spent the whole summer in places with beautiful weather. In Norway the temperatures never got above 72. In Utah, it was only in the upper 80's a couple times, in Idaho was about the same. Even Mesa Verde, Colorado was about 85. Now I'm back in Texas. Yesterday was 105 degrees; with a heat index it felt like 112.
To top it all off, my air conditioner broke, yesterday.

That's right.

Luckily, there is a member of my ward who owns his own heating and air conditioning company. He came by and fixed it right up for me. And by bed time, my house was back to liveable. Thank you Jeff.

I wish I could say that fall is just around the corner. But who am I kidding? We'll be having summer for another two full months, at least. Sometimes it's still in the 80's in December. If you are lucky enough to have 4 actual real seasons, I'm jealous. Boots, sweaters, and hats will have to wait a long while more for us. Enjoy the cooler days and nights for me, will you?

1 comment:

  1. It's 104 here right now!! After 31 years in SoCal without a/c, Harry had it installed last spring. Then we had the mildest summer on record - I was sure it would never be hot again, since we were not ready for the heat!! I actually had learned to live without a/c - I was pretty green I'd say. But now that Harry spends more time at home - and I think I spend less - he notices things like heat and a/c!!

    I feel your pain though - although I really don't like winter snow and the like, I do like cool - at least enough for sweaters and wool skirts!! I think I could live in Oregon - the place where I get to wear my wool sometimes!!


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