
School's Out For the Summer

These pics are from the last couple days of school. Hazel was sad to leave her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Higgins. (I've been called Mrs. Higgins by Hazel lately. Must mean she really loved her teacher.)

Hazel had some fabulous friends. Mrs. Higgins was quite successful at indoctrinating future Longhorns. Every kid, in every picture I took, was giving the horns for the camera.

And since the last day of school was Hazel's birthday, she brought cupcakes for her class to hand out at lunch. (I was running behind so I ended up buying cupcakes at the store and sticking a Blopop in each one. The lolipops were technically against school rules, but hey, it was the last day of school, and an early out day at that.)

I'm going to be truthful here: I am so glad that school is over. No more early bedtimes, early up times and lots more relaxing with my family. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. The government is actually cracking down on nutrition at school. We do a hot fudge sundae reward at lunch for the kids who get a certain number of Accelerated Reader program - maybe 3 times a year - and we got blasted last time. Maybe we will have to do veggies and dip next time!!


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