
Scout Camp

Isaac got to go to scout camp for the first time this year and he loved it. He passed off 5 merit badges, got mostly done on a sixth, and has 2 more ready now too. There was a family night the last night that he actually wanted us to come to, so we did.

My favorite comments when I arrived to see him at camp: "I haven't showered for 5 days!" and "I didn't wear sunscreen (that I sent and made him promise to use) at all and I didn't get burned!" Well, thank heavens for that.

When I went to do the laundry from his backpack, all the extra clothes I had so carefully folded for him were still folded. At least he went swimming everyday and kind of rinsed off.

Ahh, the joys of having a 12 year old boy.


  1. Maybe it's good we moms don't go to Scout camp!

  2. Definitely a boy thing! It was so quite and odd with them gone. Hope you are still having fun!


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