
Losing Sleep

I feel like such a first time mother. You'd think that by the fourth child I would be able to figure it out. But Hazel is throwing me for a loop. I think I only slept for an hour yesterday. And today she cried all day long, except when we were in the car. (And I can't sleep and drive at the same time. I am not that talented.) I just feel so bad that she is so uncomfortable. Cross your fingers for us that we will have a better night tonight.


  1. Good luck! I feel for you. I am not good without sleep, and it took Alex a while to figure it out.

  2. Betsy, is is colic? Our neighbor's baby was like that and she got a prescription medicine and she said that her baby would finally sleep and stop crying all day. I'm sorry to hear that though. Best of luck and I hope you get some sleep soon!

  3. i can totally relate - annika has been our fiercest child. maybe it's the number four. although eliza was the fourth and she turned out pretty well.

  4. Here are my favorite things about the comments thus far:

    1) No sympathy from Hester, just a wicked and evil cackle.

    2) Bonny's implication that I, as the fourth, was a fierce child. Well, I was. And yes, I turned out VERY well. Thank you.

    Actually after re-reading, maybe Bonny wasn't implying that I was fierce. Maybe she was just using me as a contrast. But from the stories I've heard, I was rather fierce. Sometimes I still am.

  5. P.S. I'm sorry about the lack of sleep. Not being a mother, I don't know what it's like, but I feel for you anyway, because I love my sleep.

  6. Sleep is beautiful and I do feel for you that you did not recieve any of late. maybe when we all get there we can take turns and then you can take lots of naps I am up for that

  7. THanks for all the comments. And maddy I will definitely take you up on your offer. Eliza, I heard stories about you too. But you did turn out pretty good. HOpefully Hazel will too.

  8. Didn't Julia Roberts name her kid Hazel?


    ... but on a serious note, I'll try to get an extra 2-3 hours of sleep a day for you Betsy. Deal?

  9. You know, Bonny cried daily - and I mean mostly all day - for 3-4 months. Fortunately for me, she slept at night - of course, we just let her cry for several nights and she caught on - I think nowadays that is frowned on. We stuck her in a room with the stereo and blasted out the classical music -and we lived in student apartments - this was 1970 - maybe everyone else was stoned or something and didn't notice the racket coming from our place! Babies nowadays don't sleep well at night - I'm a fan of crying it out - it is miserable for several days - but then it was home free for the rest of her infancy (after infancy seemed like the all wanted to sleep all the time!)

    And Eliza was "fierce" but she slept well!! And she did turn out great! My methods are "de riguer" in today's climate - but all six of our kids slept and napped like the troopers they are! (I'm 60 now so I can go on and on about the "good old days!"

  10. I made lots of major-type errors this p.m. I was tired I guess - and I can't blame a baby for it - but I meant to say that my methods are not "de riguer" - and I'm not sure of the spelling there.


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