
President Brunner

Nate was called to be the Elders Quorum President yesterday. The Stake President gave him a nice blessing when he was set apart. I am sure that Nate will do a good job and that this will be a wonderful experience for us all.
Other news that isn't so exciting: Our friends, the Poggemann's, who just moved here a couple months ago, are moving back to California. We're glad for them and for the job that is taking them back to California. But we are sad to see them go. They have been our surrogate family. Now we'll be lonely on Sundays without them. But on the upside, we have a reason to visit northern california now.


  1. wow nate! congrats. that's great. that sucks that your friends are leaving though.

  2. Congrats Nate! Best of luck!

  3. Congrats Nate, sounds like you will be busy. Betsy, did you end up getting a new calling?

    I'm sorry that Flix and Jenn are moving back. I'm sure it was fun while it lasted though.

  4. Congrats Nate!!! You are going to do just fine!

  5. Be sure to support the Relief Society President!! (And let me know how you get people to do their home and visiting teaching - these people here are doing so well!)

  6. I meant to say that they are not doing so well - it's a major differnece!!


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