
Happy Girl

Hazel just makes me smile.


  1. Betsy, I am beginning to think that Hazel has become your "FAVORITE" ...("Oh know ..as every child has heard ..there is no such thing!") ... Your mouse hand shows a very appearant affinity towards pics of her over your other children when choosing posts for the blog. I must admit ... she is cute.


  2. she is cute but all your kids are cute.

  3. Happy New Year! Ours was a lot more quieter this year. We made the new year and went to bed. Mckay was the late one this year. She wanted to still stay up.


  4. I don't really have favorites. She is just more interesting than the others. Hazel changes all the time. The others have slowed down a bit. But she is cute.

  5. Hazel is cute and will let her picture be taken whenever you want. As children get older, they don't want their picture taken as much. You were all cute and "my favorite". Children are unique and deserve to be treated as unique individuals. We shouldn't even use the word favorite because it has no revelence. There are just times in everyone's life when they are easier to deal with. Such is life. I love you all and with no reservation. That is the truth.

  6. Amanda loves this picture of Hazel. Everytime it pops up she smiles, and sometimes "talks" to it! :)

  7. besides, i'm mom's favorite!


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