

Conversation at dinner tonight.

Tomorrow we are supposed to have the missionaries over for dinner. The elders have been ill for the past week and I was wondering if they were still going to make it. Nate said they were for sure going to be there, well or not, because Nate is going to let them use his pottery wheel to make something. But who knows how long until Nate gets his kiln up and running to be able to fire the pots.

So Nate says, "Well, they have 2 choices: take the pots 'green' , or wait until they're fired."

Then about 15 minutes later Aspen asked, "Why would they get fired?"

It took me a second to understand what she was talking about. Nate was referring to the pots; but Aspen was asking why the missionaries would get fired!! That would be funny to fire a missionary: "YOU'RE FIRED!"


  1. It is funny how kids perceive things. It's good to write them down. It was good to talk to you last week.

  2. Have your kids been watching Donald Trump's Apprentice?


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