
The Race is On

So I have been trying to start and stick to an exercise program for a loooooong time now. And because I don't have a partner and lots of excuses, it hasn't happened yet. However, Nate and I decided that we really needed to get on the ball and do something about our expanding waistlines. So we are having a race. The first one to 500 miles gets the prize. I think he has an advantage - he used to run cross country. The kids think I have the advantage - I am at home all day. (Anyone with a baby knows how much you get done with a baby that doesn't sleep much and just wants you to play with her.) So I guess the field is pretty much evened out. We made charts. Nate outdid me there. (Everything is a competition.) On Monday we started the race. Nate called me from work, he'd run 3.14 miles; so I ran 3.2 miles. The next day we both rested; he had a sore foot, I had allergy induced asthma. I took some medication; Nate switched to the elliptical machine. Wednesday Nate was up by a mile. Today I had to catch up. I couldn't let him get ahead of me this early in the game. So I ran/walked 4 miles. Although the effort was valiant, Nate ran 3 1/2 miles today. So the tally stands at Nate: 9.5 miles, Betsy 9.05 miles. I'm kind of feeling that 4 miles today. But tomorrow is another chance. I can't let him win this one. I'm grateful for the friendly competition. It gives me an incentive to get my butt in gear. Besides I really want my prize. Nate usually wins every competition/game we play. Not this time. This is one I actually have a chance at winning. Anyone want to join? (You have to furnish your own prizes.) See you at the finish line!


  1. What prizes are you playing for? That sounds like a fun competition. I would join, but I don't have a treadmill and will be out of it for a couple of months.

  2. Good luck Betsy! I am on your side! (girl thing I guess) What is your prize though? It's a great idea what you are doing, makes me want a treadmill as well. Good luck again! -Amy

  3. Yeah, What's the prize?

  4. We have three prize levels. At 100 miles I get a new handbag, Nate is at yet undecided. At 300 miles it is a video iPOD. But the grand 500 mile prize is a new digital SLR for me or a 10" telescope for Nate. If by chance we both make 500 miles on the same day, we are going to go on a great trip together, just the 2 of us. So either I want to win or both make it the same day.

  5. Betsy, those are some pretty serious prizes. It's good because of the incentive. Although I would have to say Nate is pretty competitive so you need to keep strong! Good luck again.

  6. big prizes for big efforts

  7. By the way, keep us updated on the totals!

  8. I'd like to see a running total of miles as well. I'm rooting for both of you since you have such great prizes!

  9. Great prizes!!! How are you both doing now?

  10. you're a total Xena Warrier Princess! Watch out Nate!

  11. I'll make a weekly post to keep ya'll up to date on the race. Thanks for the support!

  12. im going to join in... and do my own competition with myself...although my prizes will be a little less extravagate... mabye a new pair of shoes... gas for my car... okay i'll start tomorrow. famous last words.

  13. Good luck Hannah! You guys make me want to join!

  14. Hannah, if you beat Betsy and me, you can have Betsy's prize (for the first 2 legs of the race).

    Nate: 13.6
    Betsy: 9.05

  15. i lvoe the race idea - although if bruce and i did thank i would get spanked - bruce logs miles like he drinks miles. i on the other hand, don't jog, just blog.

  16. whew - i need to do a little proof reading before i hit publish. thank should be that.

    so sorry


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