
Hazel's Birthday Picture

I took Hazel to the professional photographers at the mall for her first annual free 8X10. This also happened to be the only picture that actually looked like her. (The others were just lukewarm.) She is developing quite the personality: she is very particular at times, she is a girl who knows what she wants and lets you know it!


  1. Love the toothy grin! My children never seem to warm up to the photographer. This picture is great!

  2. Betsy,

    As you can tell by my previous comment I hadn't looked at the rest of your blog, what a darling picture, did you stay strong and only get the 8x10!? Love, erika

  3. only got the 8X10. the others were just not that great. So I didn't feel so bad about not buying any. And this was the last picture she took. She was ready to quit and then Hazel just got really excited and the girl clicked it!

  4. I LOVE those gauchos!

  5. i concur with pheobe. also, love the face.

  6. there are now very similar gouchos for babies at Target. I'm debating buying another pair in a bigger size. Hmmmm


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