
X-Ray Vision

These are the xrays that show Toby's broken bones. The bend is not his elbow. I think that seeing his arm bent the wrong way was one of the most frightening things I've seen. And I had to be calm and unalarming so that the 10 kids around me wouldn't be more worried and upset than they already were. I was actually surprised at how calm I was on the outside. It was all show though. I was shaking on the inside. Sometimes it is hard being the grownup.


  1. Ouch, ouch - yikes - it hurts to look at it!!

  2. they look like straws when you play with them too much and they bend and brake. Wow, the x-rays are really cool, but it sucks that it happened. hope toby is doing better.

  3. Wow, I'm a little behind on reading your blog. HOpe Toby is doing ok. It looks painful. There's just sometimes when being the mom isn't fun! I hate having to take kids to the ER.


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