
Science Master and Super Scientist

It is that time of year again...time for the Science Fair. We started earlier, but still we were up late the night before, and up early the morning they were due. But the kids did all of the experiment parts all on their own and did a great job. I helped with the picture taking and the typing.

Isaac did his project on the many colors that ink is made up of. He was awarded the first place Science Master ribbon.

Aspen did her project on testing household things to determine if it was an acid or a base. She was awarded the second place Super Scientist ribbon.

A side note: There were only 5 entries in Isaac's division. There were probably 25 in Aspen's group.


  1. Congratulations to both of you. The projects look great. Keep up the good work.

  2. Oh science projects...
    They are coming and I'm actually pretty excited about that. A few more years and Jeremy will be old enough.

    Congrats to both Isaac and Aspen.

  3. Good job Isacc and Aspen!!

  4. send me all your science fair ideas-these are awesome Betsy! I hate the science fair, and we've avoided it every year until last year, when it became manditory for Mason to enter. Bryn and Madi considered it this year, but thank goodness decided to wait until next. Your ideas are awesome though. We did a project on black and white vs. color photos and memory last year. This year we are testing the difference between the amount of sunlight and the outdoor temperature. Grasping at straws I tell you...
    you are an amazing mom.


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