
keeping cool

The temperature's been in the triple digits for the last couple weeks around here. So we've been hanging out at the pool more often.

p.s. I'm trying to figure out how to post larger photos. But the resolution keeps getting messed up. bear with me. if anyone has any tips, I'd love some tutoring in this stuff. Does getting my pics directly off my computer make a difference? should I get them off from flickr instead? Is there a way to permanently alter my template so that it posts them larger automatically?


  1. i am not on blogger but from what i can tell about your blog template, your post column will accommodate a photo that is up to 700 pixels wide.

    what i do when posting pictures is to format them to the exact pixel width i want them viewable at. So say you wanted this picture 5x7 - you could format it in an imaging program like Image Pro or Photoshop to be 500 pixels x 700 pixels and then save a copy of your image for posting. i usually just leave it the file name and tack "web" on the end of it. i also do a "web sharpen" of my images so that they are crisp when posting them.

    hope that helps.

    very cool picture by the way :)

  2. yeah, i don't know what you can do with teh current format either, but when you upload any photo, blogger will allow you to refer to it at 400, 800, and 1600 pixels. So when you upload, before you post, if you examine the picture, you will see that it saws mynameofmyphoto.html/s400. change the s400 to s800 and it will post bigger. i don't know how you can do a different sizze.


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