
One of those days

Do you ever have one of those days where everyone needs your special attention and nothing goes according to plan? Today was one of those days.
  1. Today was Aspen's birthday, which she has been looking forward to for MONTHS. And she has been counting down for the last 6 weeks. So she needed me to make sure it was her special day. So I got up early and brought her breakfast in bed.
  2. Then we waited for Nate to get back from the gym to give her her first present. I think Isaac was more excited than anybody. He wanted to know what it was SOOOO BAD! (Nate bought her earrings.) When she opened the box, she was excited (what's not to love about diamonds?) But Isaac was sorely disappointed, and then a little jealous. So he needed some personal attention to remember that he was important too.
  3. Then Toby and Hazel woke up sick, with both the viruses that have been going around: headaches, stomach aches, fevers, and then a cough. Yay. They needed some TLC too.
  4. Nate has been ironing his own shirts for the past five days. So I needed to get some ironing done for him.
  5. Plus I still needed to make Aspen's birthday cake, and birthday dinner. Cake needed to be from scratch to accomodate Hazel and Isaac's special diets (that takes extra).
  6. Managed to get Aspen's presents wrapped.
  7. Then I ran out of Tylenol. So a run to Walmart.
  8. Before I get back, Hazel has barfed all over the couch (luckily the covers are removeable and machine washable).
  9. After a bath and a load of laundry, I try to finish the cake. It's not working.
  10. I also realize I don't have all the ingredients for dinner. Phone call to Nate so he can stop by the store on the way home to get the bacon and some pudding for the cake (because my pudding from scratch didn't work). Isaac and Hazel will have to just have cake with whip cream instead of the pudding that goes with it.
  11. And dinner is late.
  12. So we didn't actually get to the cake anyway.
  13. Aspen had her first Young Women meeting tonight. So I had to drive her and pick her up.They were meeting somewhere different, so the usual car pool wasn't going to work.
  14. So I went to Target while I was waiting. Found cute stuff for the girls.
  15. After final doses of tylenol and mucinex for Hazel, I put the girls to bed.
  16. I meant to do a post for Aspen's birthday, but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
  17. I hope the kids are better and that no one else gets sick tomorrow.
  18. I had also planned to work on my garden today too because it was 80 degrees today. I guess I'll have to wait for the next nice day.
  19. It's been a long day. But there's always tomorrow.


  1. It sounds like it was crazy. I'm sure Aspen loved her birthday.

    P.S. I'm still chuckling about Isaac and his "dissappointment".

  2. oh yes... I have those days. I hope tomorrow is a bit more enjoyable for you. We put Christopher to bed with a bowl tonight because he was feeling sick. I'm hoping we don't follow in your footsteps!

  3. hope tomorrow is a better day. and happy birthday to Aspen!

  4. Wow ... and all that I did today can be summed up in one line ... "Put the kids to bed because Amy was out". Sounds like the world needs 2 of you and 1/2 of me.

  5. I made my frist "good" homemade brownies for Jamie for Vday and now I'm all over "how'd you make a cake from scratch - what special diets...pudding, whey pudding..."...and than I realize that this is not an e-mail so I doubt I'll get the answers unless I call you! LOL

  6. Thank you so much for ironing my shirts, especially on such a busy day.

    Hazel is lactose intolerant, and Isaac doesn't do well with artificial colors, artificial flavors, or preservatives. This does not help one's food budget, but we tend to eat better. Also, organic stuff just tastes better.

    When you do research on the stuff, it is actually pretty scary. Most of the artificial colors are petroleum byproducts, and artificial vanilla comes from paper mills. If your kids are ever really acting up, ask "what did they eat?" I lot of people think that sugar gets their kids all wired up, but I think it is the artificial colors and flavors that are usually the culprit, not the sugar.

  7. You are a great MOM and I am sure that Aspen will remember her day as one of the best in her life. I can't believe that she is 12. Where do the years go? Axel was sick yesterday as well but 17 year olds do not require that much attention when they are sick. Dad was travelling so he went to bed early as he had to get up early. It was just a one day travel. I too need to get to my blog. Carnaval is coming up so maybe I will have time. But tomorrow is always there, as you say. Good Luck.


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