
ER visit #9

Nate and I went with Toby to a fireside featuring Randall Wright the other day. Aspen was babysitting for some friends, who went with us. Just as we were leaving the stake center, I got that phone call that I'd always worried about: Aspen called, frantic, with kids crying in the background. Poor Aspen had stepped on a needle and it was stuck in her foot. She couldn't pull it out. It hurt, a lot. We were a half an hour away. So I stayed on the phone with her, trying to calm her down, and the 5 children she was babysitting.
It wasn't just a little needle. It was the kind of needle you tie a quilt with: 2 1/2 inches long and quite thick. It went two-thirds of its length into her foot. It hit the bone and bent a bit.


Nate pulled it out with some pliers. And it just kept coming, and coming, and coming.

Of course, Aspen hadn't had a tetanus shot since she was 4. So we made a late night trip to the ER for a booster. And though this shot causes most adults to cry for days, Aspen's arm hasn't even been sore. I guess that makes up for stepping on the needle - just a bit anyway.


  1. I am glad that everything is OK now. Give my best to Aspen.

  2. Ouch! Poor Aspen! Do you remember the McKnight's from the 2nd ward (after being in 4 Flower mound wards I no longer remember who was in what ward at what time!) Anyways, their daughter Lauren was crawling around on the floor and felt what she thought was a bite on her knee. But their was no bump or anything so she went on with her day as normal. The next morning her knee was swollen and by the end of the day she couldn't walk. Her mom took her in and they did an x-ray and sure enough there was a needle in her knee-it had just slid all the way in. She had to have surgery to have it removed. I'm glad Nate was able to get it out for her without using a scalpel!

  3. Whoa, the kind of horror story you don't like to hear!! (But my husband had a sliver of wood that went into his arm - he was sure something was in there but the doc said no. Months later this 3 inch sliver of wood just sort of oozed out when Harry pushed on the skin around it - the doc said it must have lined up with the bone when they x-rayed. But a needle sounds even creepier!!)

    Glad all is well - it does make a good story!

  4. I cringed just reading this story. Ouch.

    Way to be strong Aspen!

  5. I've had nightmares about something like that happening! Yeow!!!


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