
How does your garden grow?

Our garden is growing nicely this spring. A bunch of things came up from last year.
The carrots kind of over-wintered. I planted them last September. But the heat wasn't too great for growing and then the cold kind of stopped them for a while too. But we've gotten a bunch of great carrots this spring, and TONS of cilantro.

The lettuce and spinach look like they will survive the bunny attacks. The peppers self-seeded from last year. I'm not sure yet about the zucchini and squash...another couple weeks and they'll probably be going strong.
The tomatoes have fruit on them, the herbs are looking fabulous. Hazel's strawberries are ripening. We just have to beat the birds to eating them. Hopefully we'll get to enjoy all the fruits of our labors before we leave for summer vacation. Otherwise, the neighbors will be getting the benefit of our garden. Still, it is really fun to see the garden grow.

1 comment:

  1. Harry didn't do a garden this year - maybe because he's finally busy with work after very slow year. And Noah is working for him,so I can't conscript him.

    Maybe we will have to make do with the Farmer's Market.


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