
Thoughts on motherhood

Rainy days make me wish my kids were home with me all of the time. I love these kinds of days. They feel cozy to me. But they would be more enjoyable with my family home with me doing cozy things, homey things like reading, playing games, building forts to hide out in, or elaborate toy cities, watching movies, making cookies, sewing, or playing quietly. It's days like this that I wish I homeschooled all my children and that they could be with me always. Don't get me wrong, I love a good by-myself-day as much as the next mom, but mostly I love being with my kids. (It also probably explains why I take my kids on long road trips where we can be all cooped up together in the car for weeks on end. It's just one of the reasons anyway.) Though I work hard to teach my children independence and give them opportunities to do things on their own and to grow, I really enjoy being able to watch over them, to give them comfort, encouragement and love. I guess it's all part of the growing up process - for them and for me. And so I send them off every morning and look forward to their return at the end of the day. I guess that might just be a little bit how our Heavenly Father feels about us. He has sent us here to grow and learn. He watches over us and waits for us to return home to Him. So, in the meantime, I will enjoy the privilege of being a mother. I will keep my children close, while still letting them learn and grow. I will do my best. And I will savor the moments I have with my children as we all work on returning home.


  1. even though i don't have kids i was really touched by this post. thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. well said. sometimes i worry that all the extra activities my children beg for (piano, soccer, bassoon, gymnastics, dance, etc etc) takes away too much from their real growth and potential. i guess i will never know.

  3. I will vouch for the fact that the moments will flee all too quickly! So enjoy the now.


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