
All Creatures Great and Small

My neighbor's dog died this morning. I felt so bad. The dog had gotten tangled up in his lead and the fence and it was nearly 100 degrees outside. By the time we found him he was in bad shape. Our neighbors were out of town. We did what we could but he died anyway. I waited all day for the neighbors to come back. It was very sad for Eddie, our neighbor. They buried him in the back yard. I have thought about Boots all day and wish we would have known they were out of town so that we could have been watching out for him. It is good to have and be good neighbors. THis could have been prevented.

Otherwise, I am doing better. Still tired and the medication is doing weird things...making me feel shaky and jittery. But only one more day of the meds. Trying to find things to eat is a little more daunting of a task. I had lasagna from a blender for dinner tonight. I never realized how much the texture of food matters. Otherwise I am subsisting on mashed potatoes and cream soups, pudding and yogurt and smoothies. And of course ice cream. It's going to be a long 3 months. By thanksgiving I will really have something to be thankful for!

Mom and Dad, I would call and talk to you but talking on the phone hurts my ear (my incisions are right in front of my ears). But I am checking email frequently. I love you.

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