

Well it's been 3 days and I am feeling better. Most of the swelling has gone down and there are only a few numb spots left. But the swelling gives my face a fat diamond look. The scars won't even be noticeable because they are right next to my ear. But they had to shave some of my hair off for some reason. I don't know why the incision isn't even in my hairline. BUt oh well hair grows. Not much pain - mostly my jaw muscles are just tight. Thanks to Erika, Jacob, Karl and Hester for the flowers. That was very thoughtful and I like them.


  1. you look much better and i am glad you are feeling better. love to all

  2. i concur with donna. you look better but still a little funky

  3. I think that you look like the aliens in MIB that had the alien in his head; where you push the ear in and face pops open.

    But you are looking better, that's for sure.

  4. Ouch, it looks painful. You do look better though.

  5. You look a LOT better, A little more swelling down and you will be back to yourself!!! Glad your eyelids work! You can eat the same stuff as Hazel!!

  6. We are glad that you are feeling better. We have been busy with doctor appointments and such but we are looking forward to our visit in a week. We love you and pray for you everyday.


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