
As some of you may know I had jaw suregery yesterday. It was just outpatient surgery. Everything went well and I was home by early afternoon. However, because I am allergic to adhesive on tape they had to wrap my whole head so now I look like I just had brain surgery. And my face is all swollen and numb. I am trying to smile but only half of my face is working. I also couldn't close my eye on the right side all day yesterday. Luckily my eye can shut now. I was pushing my eye close with my hand because I couldn't blink and my eye was drying out. Thank goodness that went away. I was worrying that I would have a funky eye for the rest of my life. Hopefully the swelling will go down soon. Nate says that I look mad all the time. I think that part of the problem is the bandage is pushing down on my eyes. Anyway, the surgery went well. I don't have too much pain. My jaw is a little stiff, but I will work that out with some stretching. I am on a liquid smushy diet for the next 2 weeks. And then slowly ease into chewing again. On the bright side I will probaby be able to lose the baby weight!! Posted by Picasa


  1. I tried to call but no one answered. I hope that you will be better soon. We love you and look forward to seeing you.

  2. you look awful. i hope you feel better or at least i hope you feel better than you look. nate's right. you look mad

  3. That's a blackmail picture if I've ever seen one.

    If I were you I'd go to a neighboring city's grocery store and wander the isles mumbling to myself and put obscure items into my grocery basket and then put them back.

    But that's me.

    Get well soon. ;)

  4. If this was Nates blog I could see this picture, but why to yourself? This picture could join the famous Jeremy picture. YES!! We can start a special gallery of pictures!!!!

  5. Well i am so sorry you are in such pain. You are a brave person to put this picture at there for all to see. I would be in bed with the covers over my head theartening anyone with a camera. hope you feel better soon.

  6. Yes, I hope you are feeling better soon. You really don't look like you are having a good time.

  7. What can you do if you can't laugh at yourself. I did look funny.

  8. now, why did you have to have jaw surgery?

  9. I have TMJ and the disc between the two bones of my jaw had slipped off. This causes the bones to grind against each other and wear the bone away. Eventually this leads to arthritis. So they went in and sewed the disc to the bone.

  10. Shudder! Sounds painful! I've had jaw problems in the past and my brother-in-law had to have his jaw wired shut due to his TMJ, so I've tried not to chew ice. But it's so hard not to.

    That said, I'm still laughing at Mike's comment.


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