
Top Ten Relaxing Things To Do On Summer Vacation

  1. Sleep in.
  2. Catch up on past issues of magazines that you subscribe to but don't have time to read.
  3. Play Nintendo all day.
  4. Practice your skim board skills.
  5. Watch TV until 2 am
  6. Watch Monty Python and then fall asleep in the middle because you stayed up too late the night before.
  7. Build sand castles or anything else you can think of.
  8. Swim in the pool.
  9. Boogey board until your legs are too tired to fight the current.
  10. Eat a lot of chocolate and ice cream.


  1. I'm sooooooooo jealous and wish we got to go this year. Liz

  2. why did i not get to do any of those things this summer i want a real summer vacation like the ones i had when i didnt appericate it.

  3. Summer used to be the best time of year but we didn't appreciate then. I do wish that I could laze away the summer.

  4. numbers 1, 5, and 10 are my favorite. however, you forgot to add lay around on the beach and sleep/read all day! i wish i could have had a vacation this summer. next year.

  5. Well, Hester, you aren't at school and you aren't at work......

  6. earl, just because i;m not at school doesn't mean i'm not doing school related work. are you insinuating that i'm a slacker?

  7. So, what school related work was that you were doing up in Utah for the last three days? And no I don't think you are a slacker, You have been working very hard, but you did imply that you had no time off......

  8. ok - i just read your list and checked out you vacay pix - I love them. It makes me want to go to the beach ( maybe we will next week) anyway - i'm glad you guys had a fun summer - we had an awesome summer - esp compared to last years which sucked as far as fun goes. It's hard to take a 2 week old baby to the beach and you can't really swim in the ocean post-partum. so the point of this LOOOng comment? - I'm not sure, but I thought it was fun. And it looks tempting to join you next summer - maybe I can save up our miles...

  9. Please come. Aspen would love to see your girls and we love company!! It is a little difficult to take a baby to the beach. Hazel was 2 months. SO we couldn't stay long at the beach. But next year will be so much better since she will be over a year.


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