
Summer Vacation Is Officially Over

Toby, Aspen and Isaac went back to school this morning. We are now back to early mornings, backpacks, lunchboxes and homework folders. I walked the kids to school this morning. It's a little more than a mile. The kids are quite the troopers. Hazel liked the walk in her stroller. It wasn't too hot, but very humid. My glasses kept fogging up! They had a good day until the end. I told them to walk home. But if it was too hot I would come and get them. I meant that I would pick them up a block away from the school, they needed to start walking and I would come and get them. (It's 95 degrees and humid - not good to be out in.) Toby got confused and thought I meant that I would pick them up in front of the school. (The way they walk home is from the back of the school, so he couldn't see me waiting in the car for them to walk over.) Anyway, after they didn't show up 20 minutes later I drove over to the school. Turns out Isaac and Aspen were waiting for Toby in the back (which is what they did all last year) while Toby was waiting for me in the front. They finally worked it out and were starting to walk off campus toward home. I'm glad that it worked out. But it upset Toby. I felt bad. We tried so hard for the first day to work right. Toby has a hard time when things don't go as planned. He gets confused and frustrated. But alls well that ends well. Vacation is over.


  1. I am not envious of school starting. McKay starts next Wednesday. I have one week of summer left. Luckily her bus stop is infront of our house. It's been nice weather though. In the 80's with a light breeze. Have fun and see ya in October. I like Hazel's announcement by the way.

  2. Yuck!! Today was our FIRST day OFF from school......We go back next Wednesday.. :(

  3. Vickie says, "What do you mean vaction is over, YOURS is just starting!!

  4. ok - I'm totally jealous you can walk your kids to school and amy the bus stops in front of your house???? i think i live in the wrong neighborhood sometimes.

  5. oh and the announcement was super-cute


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