
It's A Beautiful Day

They say here in Texas, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a bit and it will change." That is certainly true this weekend. If was down in the teens and low twenty's the past couple days. Today it is in the upper 60's. And it was Saturday - so I took the kids biking for an hour or so. (Trying to get them tired out so that they'll sleep well.) It is a perfect fall day - clear and bright. There are leaves everywhere, everyone in the neighbor hood is out playing and doing yard work and putting up Christmas decorations. It is all very idyllic. I'm so grateful for days like these. It seems as if life is paused and there is forever to enjoy the moment. And although there are a million other little things that I need to get done, this beautiful day is just calling out to be enjoyed. I'm so grateful that our Heavenly Father created things just to be enjoyed. Sometimes I feel that they were just for me. Truly, there is beauty all around.


  1. We have similar weather you never know what it will be like from day to day in the spring and fall. But I think the cold has finally come to stay.

  2. I can't believe you just called our suburb "idyllic."

  3. When you phrase it like that I am not so inclined to stand by my statement. I guess I meant the atmosphere is idyllic.


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