
How to eat fried worms

My lovely children came home from school today and announced they wanted to
eat some worms.
I thought to myself, "I'll let them try; they really won't go through with that. It's gross!" But Nate had dared them and said he would give $10 to whoever ate a worm. So here's their story:
Isaac dug up some worms from the front flower bed.
They washed the worms.
They decided to eat them with peanut butter.
Aspen then put her peanut butter on some bread (you can see the worm at the top of the bread.)

Going, going, gone!! Aspen said she couldn't even taste it.

This is Madison (Aspen's friend). She actually ate 2 worms. One in a spoonful of peanut butter (she reports that she could taste it and it was moving around). The other she ate in the middle of a Cheerio! Again not so good, but not as bad as just in peanut butter.
Next the girls went to Madison's house to eat one in front of her dad. They used oranges that time. Said that it was very tastey. I guess Nate owes them $10
Where did I get this daughter of mine?


  1. Do they have a Fear Factor for kids?

  2. that is so gross - i think that assures her a mission to guatemala

  3. Shouldn't he pay $10 PER WORM? ;-)

    Reminds me of Brad as a kid. They had a cub scout wilderness survival training thing, and the leader told them if they were ever lost in the woods and hungry, that eating worms would provide enough protein to keep them alive in an emergency. So Brad ate some. Then he went home and told his sister about it, so she went to school and ate one in front of the faculty to gross them out.

    She's a normal, healthy, well-adjusted adult mom now, so I see no long term negative consequences.

  4. They will never forget this day!

  5. That looks and sounds gross. I about gagged looking at the pictures. I hope my kids don't get any ideas.....

  6. The deal was "I will pay you $10 if you eat a worm."

    Next time I will have to specify no peanut butter.

  7. I would worry about getting some disease from the worms? Can you tell I teach Middle School Science??

  8. I think you will have to be a bit more specific than, just "no peanut butter....."

    Aspen, COOL!!!

  9. I assume that this episode had something to do with either the book (of Fried Worm fame) or the recent movie about the book? The boy who plays the bully in the movie, lives someplace near here, over by either my parents or my brother Karl, just down from the Las Vegas Temple.

  10. Sorry I keep coming back to this, but have Aspen check this one out.....

  11. She has been talking about eating one for about a year now--they read How to Eat Fried Worms in class last year.

  12. She saw the movie a couple of weeks ago.

    I did think about her getting sick from the worm or some disease. But then decided to have some faith that a little worm/dirt never hurt anyone. At least I knew where this one came from.


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